Pregnancy ultrasound
We offer ultrasound/sonography for all pregnant women. We offer 2D, 3D and 4D ultrasound and throughout the pregnancy. All ultrasounds are performed by skilled doctors with long experience.
With us, you can get an ultrasound from the time you are 5-6 weeks pregnant and upwards. We have top of the line and new ultrasound machines (one of them being Voluson E8). You can get pictures in several colors, as well as video.
- Week 6-11: Vitality scan
- You can see that the fetus is alive, how far you are on the way and the number of fetuses.
- Week 11 + 0-13 + 6: First trimester scan
- Recommended around week 12. Here you look for chromosomal markers.
- After week 15: Gender
- Gender is best seen from week 15 + 0
- Week 23-24: Anomaly and heart scan
- Check when organs are developed
- Week 31-34: Wellness scan
- Here you check, among other things, the baby’s size, rent, amount of amniotic fluid, etc.
- Week 34-36: Placenta function scan
- Recommended for more adult pregnant women and risk groups, for example pregnant women with gestational diabetes, former smokers, etc.
- Week 24-35: 3D and 4D ultrasound
- After week 32, it can be more difficult to get good 3D images.