Responsible for processing
Majorstua women’s clinic is responsible for processing the company’s processing of personal data.
We store the following personal information about our customers: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. We also stores messages you send us so we can reply you and offer good follow-up. We saves behavior pattern on our website, ie information on how the individual customer navigates the site so that we can improve our services .
Personal information stored
We store the following personal information about our customers: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address. We also store messages you send us so that we can respond to you and offer good follow-up. We store behavior pattern on our website, ie information on how the individual customer navigates the site so that we can improve our services .
Purpose of the treatment
We process the information in order to be able to carry out our obligations by agreement with you. Our main purpose in processing your privacy information is so that we can offer medical services and provide proper health care. Some information may be used for marketing purposes. We store behavior pattern on our website, ie information on how the individual customer navigates the site so that we can improve our services .
The basis for the treatment
Information about name, address, telephone, e-mail address is used to fulfill the purchase agreement. The basis for this treatment is Article 6 (b) of the Privacy Ordinance. Where you have consented, the information will also be used to provide you with information, offers and service in connection with your purchase via e-mail, telephone and SMS. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance Art 6 (a). You can at any time refuse to receive such information from us. Where you have consented to it, purchase history and behavior patterns are used to provide recommendations and advertising specifically tailored to you as a user. The basis for this treatment is the Privacy Ordinance Art 6 (a). You can withdraw your consent to such use at any time.
Collection of personal information
We store the personal information you have provided on our websites. We use cookies on our websites to give you as a visitor the best customer experience and service. The Electronic Communications Act requires that we inform our visitors about the use of cookies. Read more about the use of cookies here:
Disclosure of information to third parties
We will not share, sell, transfer or otherwise disclose personal information to others, unless we are legally obliged to do so. The exception for the disclosure of personal information to health trusts or other health personnel in connection with consultation with our doctors. We will not provide information other than that which is outermost necessary to provide sound health services (eg referrals or collaboration with other health professionals). As patient, you have the right to oppose this.
Deletion of personal information
Information we are obliged to retain under the Accounting Act will be stored for up to 5 years, in accordance with the requirements of the Act.
Rights of the registered
We process your personal data in accordance with the Personal Data Act and current regulations. Please note that you can demand access to and transfer of your own personal information, as well as demand correction or deletion of information. It can be complained to the Data Inspectorate about processing in violation of the rules.
Information security
We secure your personal information by both physical and virtual access and access control, as well as by encrypting sensitive parts of submitted information.
Contact information
Inquiries about what information has been registered, correction and deletion can be sent in writing to the following addresses:
Majorstua kvinneklinikk
Bogstaveien 51, 0366 Oslo